Cancers are present inside the head and neck like inside the mouth, the nose, and the throat. Head and neck cancers begin in the squamous cell that line the moist. Head and neck cancers can also begin in the salivary glands. Salivary glands are contain many different type of cell. There are different type of head and neck cancer in region like oral cavity, pharynx, larynx and Salivary glands etc. The treatment plan of head and neck cancer dependent many no factor like exact location of the tumor, the stage of cancer and person's age. Surgery is main treatment for cancer of head and neck. There are several type of treatment of head and neck cancer like radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, or a combination of treatments.
We offer you an Audiometry test . An audiometry evaluation is a painless test, audiometric tests determine a subject's hearing levels, Patients who have a tumor in or around the ear They should go for Audiometry test. In Audiometry test Patient sitting in a soundproof booth wearing a set of headphones, which is connected with an audiometer, or we can use small earphones also, The audiometer produces tones at specific frequencies and set volume levels to each ear independently
Speech disorder has some children may not understand language and some children may understand language but be unable to communicate other children’s. Speech therapists generally called speech language pathologists. The speech therapy has a Speech therapist trained patients in communication skills and speech.
Your sense of physical balance, or equilibrium, relies on a series of signals that pass from the vestibular organs in the inner ear, through a branch of the 8th cranial nerve (or vestibular nerve), to the brain. The inner ear contains a complex system of fluid-filled chambers and passageways, known as the labyrinth.
Purpose of Balance Tests
Who Performs Balance Tests
Forty-five percent of normal adults snore at least occasionally and 25 percent are habitual snorers. Problem snoring is more frequent in males and overweight people and usually worsens with age. Snoring may be an indication of obstructed breathing and should not be taken lightly. An otolaryngologist can help you to determine where the anatomic source of your snoring may be, and offer solutions for this noisy and often embarrassing behavior.